It's time for your website to stop collecting dust

Stop being the best kept secret in your industry! Get more website traffic without the social media burnout!

Here's the truth...

You feel chained to your phone to promote your brand.

You feel like you have to join the never-ending Instagram rat race.

Or spend a small fortune on ads, just to be seen.

And you’re burnt out from sharing your content in Facebook groups, only to hear crickets.

What if you could...

✔️ Decrease your reliance on social media?

✔️ Passively promote what you have to offer?

✔️ Actually do something else you love with your time?

✔️ While also increasing sales?

Well, you can with SEO 🙌🏾

SEO, aka Search Engine Optimization, is
a free, consistent way to get website traffic from search engines.

You use it every day when you Google something.

Google Search for Local Black Owned Restaurants

In fact, did you know that 93% of website traffic happens via search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing?

Google alone is responsible for 84% of that traffic and processes 3.5 billion searches per day!

When You Put That In Perspective...

You can choose to only create content for your brand that lasts 18 minutes OR create content for your website that will bring you clients for at least 2 years.


The SEO Mentor Program

A one-on-one experience with expert coaching
that will take your brand's online presence to the next level

You’re going to see an increase in people visiting your website, which will lead to more sales and email subscribers.

And it’s all because you’re going to:

✔️  Be crystal clear on what keywords will work best for your content so it attracts the right audience.

✔️ Understand how SEO works and multiplies your time so that you can promote your offers while doing other things.

✔️ Confidently create content optimized for search engines that will bring you website traffic for years to come.

My main goal in purchasing was to learn more about how it works and how to use SEO to bring more exposure to my business website.

The recommendations and help that Tamara gave me were phenomenal and really helped bring traffic to my website just a couple of days after our call. It was well worth the price!

Shammir Delarosa

Simply Genesis |

Who Is The SEO Mentor?

I'm Tamara Sykes → a fellow entrepreneur and blogger, and I used to be scared of SEO.

I thought that search engine optimization was reserved for people who loved coding, and the tech speak from the experts used to make me feel as if I would be in way over my head.

So I initially ignored it and went all in on my social media presence.

But the likes didn’t become website traffic, and that left me feeling as if what I had to offer wasn’t “good enough” to be read.

After I learned that SEO was simply what I did everyday when I Googled something, I began to apply best practices to my lifestyle brand, and that has resulted in achievements, like ranking on the first page of search results for terms like compliments to give yourself.

I know the real-life benefits of SEO.

But what I’m most excited about is helping other brand owners go from not understanding it all to confidently implementing it, then watching SEO take your brand’s online presence to the next level!

Founder of Next Level Presence - Tamara Sykes

Do you need a roadmap and support?

Here's what we'll cover:


Are You Findable?

First, we'll complete an SEO audit, determining where your site is now and what specific steps we need to make your website easy to find on Google, Bing & Yahoo.


Keyword Research & Development

Next, we'll create a keyword list that consists of all the phrases your ideal audience uses to find what you offer. This way you'll get website traffic from people who actually want that.


On-Page SEO

We'll make your website irresistible to search engines and to your target customers with content optimization.


Technical SEO

At this point, we'll tackle the necessary improvements to increase your website's page speed and make sure it works well on all devices, especially mobile.


Off-Page SEO

Together we’ll implement an action plan that will build more trust in your brand, getting other websites to mention you on theirs.


Tracking & Measurement

In order to celebrate your success, you need to be able to see the improvement. We're going to track the important data and set you up for future SEO success.

Travel Blogger - Jewels Rhode

I'm not new to the SEO world, I spent countless hours researching and strategizing. However, I still wasn't seeing the web traffic results that I desired. I spoke to my business coach to see if she knew any SEO experts and Tamara was the first person she recommended.

My goal behind purchasing was to truly understand what I was missing in my SEO strategy, identify which blog posts would be ripe for updating, and create an SEO game plan to boost my web traffic.

At first, I was hesitant about the cost, but it was TOTALLY worth it!

I learned so many tips and tools for success from Tamara that I didn't get from my online research. It was so refreshing to finally be able to identify the gaps in my strategy and know exactly what I need to do moving forward.

Thanks Tamara! You're a rockstar!

Jewels Rhode

travelJewels |

The SEO Mentor Program Is What You Need!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know this is the program for me?

If any of the following statements apply, this is the solution you need!

-> You have invested time and money into a website AND you want people to actually engage with what you offer there.

->You create expert content on your website but you feel like no one is seeing it.

-> You want your website to acts as a salesperson on your behalf.

-> You want to invest in a digital marketing strategy outside of the work and  emotional labor of social media. 


Do I still need this service if I’ve hired a web designer?

Yes! Here’s why – a website without SEO is like a car with no gas. Your amazing web designer will build your brand’s online home (the car). My program is equivalent to putting gas in your website’s tank so that it can drive the growth you want to consistently achieve.


What’s the program format?

The program lasts 4 months, and consists of bi-weekly 1:1 coaching calls, virtual support and action items.


Will I have access to you outside of calls?

Yes, you will be able to contact me Tuesday through Friday via email. As a client, I will respond to you within 24 hours.


What’s expected of me?

-> You’re willing to create impactful content for your ideal client

-> You’re coachable and willing to try new concepts

-> You’re willing to commit and show up


Is there a referral bonus?

Yes! If you refer someone to my program and they complete it, you’ll receive a referral bonus of $100.

Still Unsure?

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